

Paracas boasts the most modern resorts of the country, making it the perfect basecamp from which to enjoy tours all around the Ica region, including flights over the enigmatic Nazca Lines. The National Reserve of Paracas hosts both endemic and migratory fauna, such as large families of sea lions whose home is the well-known Ballestas Islands.


Nazca Lines 

Paraca’s best-known treasure is undoubtedly the mysterious archaeological site of the Nazca Lines; giant geoglyphs which can only be seen in totality from the air and are an ongoing subject of scientific study to understand their true meaning. 

Ballestas Islands 

Often referred to as the “Peruvian Galapagos”, the Ballestas Islands are a group of small rock formations which act as a sanctuary for large populations of natives birds and marine animals, making it an area of great biological diversity and beautiful scenery. 


Known as the Land of the Sun, Ica is famous for its thriving vineyards, delicious food, its happy people, exotic corners and nearby oasis of Huacachina, making it the perfect place for soft adventure activities in the middle of its endless desert. 

Paracas National Reserve 

Featuring a surreal, moonlike landscape abruptly giving way to secluded coastal beaches, the reserve is a place of sublime natural beauty. It’s home to an array of wildlife species, including some of the largest populations of migratory birds on the planet and has been the site of a multitude of important archaeological discoveries of the Paracas civilization and other prehistoric societies.  


  • Overflight of the Nazca Lines 
  • Paracas National Reserve 
  • Boat Trip to Ballestas Islands 
  • Swimming with Sea Lions 
  • Buggy Ride over the Sand Dunes